March 3, 2020 - Unk Note - Day 113
This is a day that I won't soon forget.
I drove today.
I took my handy-dandy hook down to the car, and this time I shut the door no problem. I was in, the motor running, and only a wee bit nervous, but I put the baby in gear and off I went.
I drove a little less than a mile to a nearby Aldi store.
I grabbed a handicap spot just in front.
I extricated myself from the car with patience, grabbed the walker and put my quarter in to get a cart. The walker went into the cart, and I celebrated 113 days of down time by walking through the store, picking up around $20 worth of stuff, used my refrigerator bag, took it all to the trunk, returned my cart, and walkered my way back to the car, got in, and drove home.
I am ecstatic about this! Woohoo!
If Rod had been here, I think we would have shed some happy tears.